Elena K. Elena K.

Do we really want to achieve our goals?

I had a conversation with a friend the other day on the subject of New Year’s resolutions. You might already suspect that the implementation rate of NY resolutions is pretty low. In fact, by the end of January, only 75% of those who make New Year's resolutions are successful in keeping them. After 6 months, that number drops to 46%. By the end of the year, only 9% believe they have succeeded in accomplishing their New Year's resolutions. So in that conversation with my friend, I was musing about the reasons we can’t seem to accomplish our goals, no matter how much we say we want them.

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Elena K. Elena K.

Итоги года // New Year’s Resolutions

На дворе конец декабря - время подводить итоги. Но боюсь, что в этом году мне особо нечем похвастаться. // Ah, December - the time of New Year resolutions. The time when you realize you haven’t accomplished last year’s ones.

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